Sunday, December 09, 2012

December 9: 10 Days of Blazingstar - And then there was one..

Dec 9th and another Blazingstar Breakfast! I like the way they roll out here, however, I may need to ask Santa for a new liver after this!

Irish cream: Blazingstar Breakfast for two.

What a change from yesterday! A chinook blew in and took our temperature from -15 to +5 in a matter of minutes this morning. It was our last day so I took advantage of the nicer weather and took 'the kid' out for a good walk while the Blazingstar Clan lounged around the house with Sarah, drinking hot chocolate & Irish Cream! Smartly I left the Santa hat at home today!

Happy dog :)

Cedar had a blast racing around the prairie, eating cowpies, and dismembering other dogs' toys...until she came out of the house. Once we were back at the house Sarah let the dogs out (there, the answer to a bad 1990's rap song) and Cava immediately raced over to Cedar to take back her toy. 

"Give my my precious you nasty little Hobbitses"
Well! Puffin had enough of her older sister giving the newbie a tough time and stood up for her little buddy.
"Enough Cava! Although Cedar is evil, you can't keep picking on my little friend"
Puffin is usually so calm and unassuming, but when Cava crosses a line with her she can sure stand her ground! Out of nowhere Puffin whipped on her 'Discipline Mitt' and bitch-slapped Cava into next year. Poor Cava never saw it coming! 

Cava reeling after being disciplined with 'The Mitt'
Tongue out for good measure :)
With the rough housing out of the way, Puffin carried on with her mission of carrying firewood out onto the prairie landscape. I swear she does it with good intention, perhaps thinking she's planting firewood seeds and hoping to grow trees again?

Puffin with one of her 'seeds', off to plant another tree
Not sure what Tinbie was up to behind the kennel, or what he was smoking, but even he got into the firewood act for our last afternoon walk.

"Dude, I'm not sure what was in those brownies but they were soooo good"
Well, that about wraps up our little adventure house-sitting with the Blazingstar Crew. It was a wonderful time hanging out with some of the coolest dogs in a little slice of paradise on the prairie. Thank-you to Liz and Andy for trusting us with your treasures, they truly are wonderful dogs.

Cedar had a blast, she was in doggie heaven. I don't how she kept it up, but she ran circles around the Blazingstar Trio day-in and day-out, day-in and day-out, day-in and get the picture :)

Hey Puffin, I can see you out my ear canal!
Tinbie, Cava, and Puffin were so good with Cedar. They were tolerant of her overly enthusiastic antics, they let Cedar be a goofy puppy yet taught her pack behaviour. They treated her like one of their own, she learned a lot and and had a great time. I'm happy we were able to be here to share it with them all.

Back home tomorrow and I know we'll miss these guys, they fill a house with so much love and character (and dog hair!), our house will feel empty without the other dozen paws.

Puffin, keep at it girl, maybe your seeds will sprout one day - one can dream, no?
And then there was one...Puffin's last 'tree seed'
Thanks again to Liz & Andy, Tinbie, Cava, Puffin & Salander - a most enjoyable time. :)

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