Saturday, December 08, 2012

December 8: 10 Days of Blazingstar - Ho-ho-ho?

Holy carp it's cold today! Having the dog kennel waaaaay over on the other side of the garage may have been a great idea when originally designed in July or August, but in Dec when it's 20-something below with 2097 km/hr winds of sheer ice and I haven't had coffee yet, that 50m walk to take the dogs out for a pee and put them in the kennel for their breakfast is NOT fun. Perhaps I should wear pants...

Anywho, good thing the Blazingstar Advent Bag #8 looked like this:

Blazingstar before 6:30AM

After a looooong and warm breakfast looking at birds feeding in the front yard, I decided it was time for another glass of wine and more bird watching!

The rare red-butted chicken hawk
This bird watching is hard, almost spilled a full glass of wine! * note to self, wide bottom mugs are handy for bird watching.

Wow, imagine that just in time for Christmas  "2 turtle doves", uhm, a bit of a holiday theme: "What's in your stocking?" Is it me, are do they look like Angry Birds?

The even rarer red-faced chicken hawk...and there are two!
Since the wine was flowing so nicely this early in the day I thought I'd share a little with my new feathered friends. I soaked the seed-sock in the wine and put it back out - boy was that popular! Salander the cat was even happier ;) just kidding

Bar's open!
After topping up my antifreeze, and since this is supposed to be a dog-blog, I roused the hairy beasts who were happily splayed on dog mats and sofas this morning to venture out for a mid-morning pee break. 

Cedar & Puffin safely using the buddy method for our Arctic break
It all started off so innocently, when I found the old frozen Santa Hat. Oh how I wish I hadn't seen it...I blame the wine. The Blazingstar dogs smartly went inside as it was stupidly cold out. Cedar wanted to stay out and play, so I thought I'd be the good sport and stay out for a bit, what could go wrong? 

My head was getting cold (no blood remember), so I jammed this old Santa hat on my head...which was just about the last thing I remember. Now I'm not sure if it was Cedar's mom or dad who was trained to kill Father Christmas, but it came as a great and frightening surprise to me and wish I had known about this genetic fear of Kris Kringle.

2 steps after donning said head gear, Cedar came flying at me with teeth gnashing and eyes glowing! Nearly took my head off trying to get at the hat, she went ballistic...!

My view after getting knocked over by the Anti-Santa - hat in teeth victory dance

Satan Claws taunting me, daring me to get up again

The 'kill-shake'. Thank doG my head wasn't still attached.
Not sure what transpired here, but I think I need to talk to Anna and Jan about which of her parents has a hate-on for fat dudes in red suits and funny hats. As I was getting up, she looked up from her kill and mumbled something
"That was just a warning for Santa! My stocking best be the fullest, or the fat guy's getting it for real next time"
Thankfully Sarah saw me lying in the snow and yelled to Cedar, giving me a chance to get up and go back in for another glass of wine.
"me? just playing with dad"

Beware Santa


  1. Another hilarious blog post!! I can't believe you put that hat on your head - it's been out on the prairie for a long time, probably used in multiple ground squirrel nests and probably peed on by coyotes.... Nice bird photos though!

  2. Now you tell wonder it was so enticing :(

  3. Cedar was saving you,see Dave!
    I can see some of Torin's character in Cedar,he is game for a laugh.
    To be honest Sia is too much of a lady.
    Lovely photos!Hilarious and I love the precious piece!
    Lifetime friends Cedar has made but it is well known that the more energy they expend the more exercise they need
