Friday, March 22, 2013

22 Mar: Spring Training

March has been a month of snowstorms - as soon as the chinook wind strips off the previous snowfall, there's another one to take its place. Since the calendar says it's spring, time for some spring training - field training, that is!

Wet spring snow covers the dry fall grasses.

The geese have been back for a while, waiting for the river & lakes to open up.

Cedar's developed the bad habit of grabbing the bumper and running away with it, so we've been working hard on making it fun to bring back. Yesterday I didn't have my camera, and she did fantastic. Today Dave had his camera - and she was halfway between terrible and excellent.

I see the bumper - and I think Cedar does, too...


Shake it around for good measure (the whistle has been blown)

I'm on my way...
Well she didn't make it all the way. Something caught her attention (a goose, the smell of deer poo, a random blade of grass...) and she was off. With the bumper. Sigh.

I was trying, really - I'm concentrating so hard I caught my lip in my teeth....

Please can we play with bumpers again?

Fine, I'll just hide over here until you make the right decision.
Nope. The bumper was put back in my pack. She jumped on my back to get at it, almost pushing me over in the process. But instead we walked - and she ran.

Burning off the heebie jeebies.
Tomorrow, Cedar, you'll do as well as you did yesterday. Right?

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