Sunday, December 02, 2012

December 2: 10 Days of Blazingstar - What's in Your Mouth?

One thing the dogs of Blazingstar really aren't short on is toys. They dot the prairie and the house, and occasionally make their way into the kennel area. They looooove their toys!

Puffin & Cedar started with a firewood 'toy' of course.
Hey Puff, look what I've got!
Kongs just can't compete with wood, Cedar...
Cava tempted Cedar with a stuffed...squirrel??, which Cedar promptly grabbed and wouldn't let go of. Cava decided to pull her down the hill.

Hey Cedar, check out this squirrel
Cedar! Give it back!
Fine, if you won't give it back I'll drag it - and you - with me.
Tinbie to the rescue! Not sure how much he helped though...
Next was the red squid. Tinbie let Puffin have a rest and dragged Cedar up the hill a bit.

Puffin, can you see what's caught on the squid? I can't seem to pick it up very well...
 And yet another toy! In a very tired dog's mouth...

I just need to have a roll in this snowbank
On second thought, I'm too tired to even roll
While Cedar rested, Puffin and Cava made crazy faces at each other.

OMG Cava your face will stay like that!
 Tinbie just watched from a distance, knowing better than to get involved.

Doop-de doop-de dooo, I wonder when dinner will be ready...
But of course we can't forget Salander - the cat with her own calendar! Trouble is she's wearing her fall camo, kind of hard to see her sometimes.

Salander getting ready to pounce on an oblivious Cedar, who's busy shaking a toy.

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